Dungeons and Dragons (D&D)

Have you ever herd of dungeons and dragons? Well now you have. Dungeons and Dragons is a massively multiplayer game. I it is the biggest multiplayer game in the world the way you play is:

  1. Buy the monster manual, and the players handbook.
  2. Buy some dice of all the types up to 20.
  3. Make a character sheet (with the players handbook).
  4. Gather a group of friends.
  5. Make them character sheets too.
  6. Pick a DM (A DM is the person who runs the game and who creates the monsters and maps) Pick someone who has an imagination (someone who can put the monsters in logically) You should also probably pick someone who knows how to play.
  7. Make the map.
  8. Sit down with you character sheets and let the DM do the rest.                                                         I hope you have fun!
    Image result for dungeons and dragons If you don’t understand the game look it up and you will find out all you need to know